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Crusaders visit Coast for “Big Give”

September 26, 2013 News

28th January 2013

Each year as a part of the Crusaders “Big Give” programme, members of the Crusaders squad visit charities, clubs or community groups in one of the provinces it represents, to give them a helping hand with a project they are doing, whether it’s painting a building, gardening, or just help with heavy lifting etc.

Photo – Crusaders Dan Carter and co pose after their hard graft.

This week the Hokitika Lions Club were chosen as recipients for the “Big Give”, to help with a project they are working on for Children’s Day, which is a National day held on the first Sunday of March each year. The Hokitika Lions Club organises a family festival on Cass Square each year to celebrate Children’s Day.

Hokitika Lions spokeswoman Dr Anna Dyzel said these events can only succeed with the help of numerous other organisations and volunteers such as the West Coast Primary Health Organisation and West Coast Rugby Football Union.

The organisers of the Children’s Day have secured a merry-go-round to refurbish for the Sunday March 3rd event, and this was a great opportunity for a number of organisations, including the Crusaders, to be involved.

The Crusaders donned painting gear and painted the safety fence that surrounds the merry-go-round and to top it off, autographed the decking of the carousel.

Photo – West Coast RFU President Karen Burrows and Dan Carter take time out from painting, to share some tea and scones.